English and German web pages
31.01.2013 Today we have launched our web pages in English and German version for You.
31.01.2013 Today we have launched our web pages in English and German version for You.
22.11.2012 Today we have handed over a robotic palletiser for bags on EURO pallets with a capacity of 300 bags/hour to our customer.
16.11.2012 Automation and modernisation of breweries 2012 On Thursday the 8th of November we have presented our project of the robotic working places at brewery Zubr on the Automation and modernisation of breweries 2012 conference which was held in the brewery at Kostelec nad Černými lesy.
01.11.2012 Atrima presentation in new design Today we have started our new WEB pages for you. We hope that you will find everything you want to know about us and our products.
29.10.2012 Production area doubled up 1st of November we moved into a new hall. Now we have twice production area, new sanitary facilities, air-conditioned server room, new offices for the design department, production manager and bussiness and finance departments.