Bottle inserters
07.09.2016 Is used to insert bottles into crates, cartons or trays.
07.09.2016 Is used to insert bottles into crates, cartons or trays.
01.07.2016 1st July happened annual barbecue- roasting of pig for Atrima company employees and their families. We played traditional tennis, ping pong and volleyball. For the first time, we had a shooting station, which appreciated mostly older children. Many people cooled in the swimming pool, because it was a beautiful sunny and warm weather.... We all enjoyed it. We are looking forward to next...
10.06.2016 PRESS RELEASES ABOUT ATRIMA FROM THE BREWERY CONFERENCE Brewery Conference 2016 in Chodová Planá. The magazine "Automatizace v potravinářství- Automation in the Food Industry" (June 2016) reports about our presentation of Atrima machines. The presentation provoked a great interest in our realized robotic palletization and depalletization in the Bernard brewery.
10.05.2016 We are looking for a new PLC programmer. We are looking for a new PLC programme to our company. Knowledge og English/ German languages. Electrotechnic education.
18.04.2016 Spring sale on service and spare parts Spring sale - 20% reduction on service work and 10% on spare parts. Order to 30. 5. 2016. Realisation or service to 30. 6 .2016.