#Atrima plants the future#

#Atrima plants the future#

Atrima is aware of the importance of the environment. As part of the calls of the Ministry of the Environment 9/2019: “We plant the future” to support greenery in cities and towns, we planted ornamental sakura, that blloom in spring, light green maples, spherical catalpha and colored maple. Together we planted 8 larger deciduous trees.


  • They increase the quality of life in the place
  • They have a significant positive effect on the health of the population.
  • They cool and humidify the air.
  • It creates a shadow in the hot built-up areas of towns and villages, thus reducing its temperature.
  • They capture dust and other harmful substances
  • Throughout the year, they provide a unique home for a wide range of small animals, such as birds, bees, other insects.
  • They are beautiful! But not only that, they also have an invaluable effect on a good climate.
  • In cities and the countryside, it prevents the rapid outflow of valuable water after heavy rains.
  • It can deal well with CO2, which we pump into the air, and thus significantly warm the whole Earth.

The project was implemented with the participation of the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic.